
消旋山莨菪碱联合矫正眼镜对学生近视的影响 被引量:3

Effect of racemic anisodamine combined with corrective glasses for myopia
摘要 目的探讨使用消旋山莨菪碱滴眼液联合配戴矫正眼镜对学生近视进展的影响。方法选取2007年7月1-30日来眼科医院近视防控科就诊的89例低度青少年近视患者。随机分为治疗组51例和对照组38例。治疗组使用0.5%消旋山莨菪碱滴眼液早晚各1次,每次1-2滴,连续使用1年,同时联合配戴矫正眼镜;对照组常规配戴矫正眼镜,局部和全身不使用任何药物。所有患者在受试前均接受眼部全面健康检查,散瞳后进行医学验光等效球镜(-1.98±1.22)DS,1年后两组进行视力、屈光度、眼轴、眼压及角膜曲率检查,并进行统计学分析。结果1年后全程使用0.5%消旋山莨菪碱滴眼液43例(86眼)视力下降率为41.86%,对照组36例(72眼)为86.11%,两组比较差异有统计学意义P=0.01。近视进展:治疗组(-0.43±0.45)D;对照组(-0.96±0.42)D,两组比较有统计学意义P〈0.01。眼轴增长:治疗组(0.11±±0.21)into,对照组(0.66±0.24)mm,对比有统计学意义P〈0.0l。眼压和角膜曲率两组1年前后比较无差异P〉0.05。结论使用0.5%的消旋山莨菪碱滴眼液联合配戴矫正眼镜,使用安全、方便。有效减缓部分学生近视的进展。 Objective To investigate the use of racemic anisodamine eye drops combined with corrective glasses for student myopia progression effects. Methods Eighty-nine patients with low-grade myopia were selected from myopia prevention and control department of eye hospital from July 1, 2007 to July 30, 2007, and were randomly divided into treatment group of 5l cases and control group of 38 cases. The treatment group used 0.5% racemic anisodamine eye drops 1 time both in the morning and in the evening with each time contained 1-2 drops, continuous use for 1 year, at the same time wore corrective glasses; the control group received routine to wear cor- rective glasses, and neither local nor systemic drugs were used. All patients had ocular comprehen- sive health examination, medical optometry before the test, spherical equivalent after mydriasis (-1.98 ±1.22) DS. After 1 year, the two groups received examination of visual acuity, refraction, intraocular pressure, ocular axis, corneal curvature, and statistics analysis was performed. Results One year after full use of 0.5% racemic anisodamine eye drops in 43 cases (86 eyes), vision decrease rate was 41.86%, 36 cases (72 eyes) was 86.11% in control group, there was statictically significant differ- ence between two groups of P=0.01. Myopia progression: treatment group was (- 0.43±0.45) D; con- trol group (-0.96±0.42) D, two groups had statistically significant at P 〈 0.01. Axial growth: the treatment group (0.11±0.21) ram, the control group (0.66±0.24) mm, contrast was statistically signifi- cant at P 〈 0.01. lntraocular pressure and corneal curvature in two groups before and after 1 year had no significant difference compared in two groups P 〉 0.05. Conclusions Using 0.5% racemic anisodamine eye drops combined with corrective glasses is safe, convenient and effective slowing down myopia progression in some students.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期728-730,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 消旋山莨菪碱 减缓近视 矫正眼镜 Racemic anisodamine Slow down myopia Corrective glasses
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