研究 1 0℃冷水试验方法在评价振动职业危害中的应用。 [方法 ]对白指病人、接振工人及对照工人进行冷水试验检查 ,用热电偶温度计测量冷试前后手部皮肤温度。 [结果 ]白指病人和对照工人比较 ,在冷试前后手部皮肤温度和各时间的复温率均明显降低 ,而接振组和对照组比较 ,在 1 5 m in、2 0 min、30 min的皮肤温度降低 ,各时间的复温率均低于对照组。各组间恢复到冷试前的人数有显著性差异。 [结论 ]1 0℃的冷水试验方法能用于评价振动引起的外周循环功能障碍。
Objective] To study the use of 10 ℃ cold water test in evaluating occupational hazand of vibration.[Methods] To measure the hand skin temperature of VWF patients,workers exposed to vibration and controls before and after cold water test.[Results] The results showed that the hand skin temperature and temperature recovery rate in VWF patients after cold water test were significantly lower than those in the controls,and the temperature recovery rate in workers exposed to vibration was also lower than that in controls at any time,but the hand skin temperature was only lower than in controls at 15,20 and 30 minutes after the test.[Conclusion] The cold water test can be used to evaluate the function disorders of peripheral circulation induced by vibration.
cold water test
skin temperature
temperature recovery rate