探讨体描法气道阻力测定的异常发生率及其指标的临床异常值应用价值。 [方法 ]对 31 7例矽肺患者进行用力呼气量 [FEV:FVC%、FEV1 .0 %、(FEV1 .0 / FVC% ) ]及体描法气道阻力测定 [Raw(气道阻力 ) %、s Raw(比气道阻力 ) %、Gaw(气道传导率 ) %、s Gaw(比气道传导率 ) % ]。并比较其气道阻塞性障碍各项指标的异常发生率。 [结果 ]FEV1 .0 %、(FEV1 .0 / FVC) %异常发生率分别是 75 .71 %、41 .0 1 %。 Raw%、s Raw%、Gaw%、s Gaw%异常发生率分别是 71 .6 1 %、6 9.40 %、78.2 3%、75 .39%。约 70 %左右的矽肺患者有较明显的阻塞性通气功能障碍 ,其异常发生率随矽肺期别上升而增高。FEV1 .0 %与 s Gaw%两项测定的符合率为 87.0 7%。 [结论 ]在临床判断患者有无气道阻塞性通气功能障碍及阻塞程度方面 ,体描法气道阻力测定不仅较 FEV1 .0 %更为直接 ,且更具敏感性和客观性 ,其指标异常值可行。两者联合应用于矽肺患者肺功能检测可取得互补效果。
Objective] To study the abnormal rates of plethysmographical airway resistance measurement in silicosis and the inquisition of clinical application value of abnormal standard.[Methods] 317 silicosis cases were measured by FEV[FVC%,FEV 1.0 %,(FEV 1.0 /FVC)%]and plethysmographical airway resistance measurement(Raw%、sRaw%、Gaw%、sGaw%),then compared their abnormal rates.[Results] Abmormal rates of FEV 1.0 %,(FEV 1.0 /FVC)% were 75.71%、41 01%;Raw%、sRaw%、Gaw%、sGaw% were 71.61%、69.40%、78.23%、75 39%,respectively.FEV 1.0 % and plethysmographical airway resistance measurement were reminded that about 70% silicosis cases existed obvious obstructive dysfunction of pulmonary ventilation.With the stage of silicosis rising,the abnormal rates rised.The conformable rates of both measures was 87.07%.[Conclusion] In judging obstructive dysfunction of pulmonary venlitation,FEV 1.0 %,and plethysmographical airway resistance measurement at the same time may be mutually supplementary.
FEV 1.0 %
plethysmographical airway resistance measurement
abnormal rates
abnormal value of indexes