
基于一维模型的涡轮过渡流道优化设计 被引量:3

Intermediate Turbine Duct Optimization Design Based on One Dimensional Performance Model
摘要 降低涡轮过渡流道的损失,缩短其长度,增大其径向偏移,是提高高涵道比涡扇发动机经济性和环境友好性的重要手段之一。目前研究基于所发展的一维涡轮过渡流道性能预测方法,提出了涡轮过渡流道设计的优化问题,融合单纯性优化方法,建立了一套有自主知识产权的涡轮过渡流道初步优化设计体系,用于涡轮过渡流道的快速设计。文中简要讨论了涡轮过渡流道的一维性能预测方法,给出了一维优化过程中所涉及诸多因素的确定,如几何的参数化、目标函数的确定,优化方法的选取、初步设计的建立以及优化的流程等。最后,以某实际涡轮过渡流道的优化设计为研究对象,对所发展的方法进行了验证,结果表明优化后的流道在总压损失和压升方面都较原型有了提高。通过目前的设计算例,充分确认了方法的鲁棒性和有效性。 Lowering the loss of intermediate turbine ducts (ITD) , decreasing their axial length, and increasing their ra- dial offset are the important means of building economy competitive and environmental friendly high bypass ratio turbo-fan en- gines. Based on the developed one dimensional performance prediction method of ITD, a preliminary optimization design sys- tem is established by combing it with optimization techniques. In present paper, the developed performance model is illustrated in concise. Then, factors involving in the optimization process are specifically explained, including parameterization of the flow path geometry, definition of the objective function, selection of the optimization method and flowchart of the preliminary design process, etc. Finally, an actual ITD is designed using the constructed system, and numerical results confirm the gain of the performance in terms of total pressure loss and pressure rise, which also demonstrates the robustness, and effectiveness of the method.
出处 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期179-184,共6页 Journal of Propulsion Technology
关键词 高涵道比涡扇发动机 涡轮过渡流道 优化设计 High bypass ratio turbo-fan engine Intermediate turbine duct Optimized design
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