针对智能变电站中状态监测系统的需求,设计适应IEC 61850标准应用的实时数据库。数据库采用面向对象的设计,根据SCL模型文件中描述的结构,以类似于多叉树的方式在内存中建立实时数据结构,同时将数据库分解成若干独立模块,以完成数据调度、数据压缩、并发控制、查询处理等核心功能。
For the requirements of state monitoring system in smart substation, real-time database adaptive to the IEC 61850 standards should be designed. The database applies object oriented design and establishes real-time data structure in the way similar to multi-way tree according to the structure described by SCL model file. Besides, the database are divided into several independent modules, which can complete functions such as data scheduling, data compression, concurrency control, query processing and so on.
Jiangsu Electrical Engineering