Objective To describe the knowledge, attitude and intention toward MMT among drug users in a drug rehabilitation center. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain the information of drug users and their blood specimen were collected for detecting antibodies against HIV. Results A total of 436 drug users were interviewed with questionnaire, and of them 62 were HIV positive (14.2M). The average score about AIDS knowledge was 7.47 ±1. 129, and 236 (54.1%)drug users expressed their willingness to attend MMT clinic again if they reused drugs afterwards 200 clients expressed their unwillingness to attend MMT clinic for the following reasons: withdrawal from heroin already(33.5%), methadone is toxic too(17.5%), methadone cannot replace heroin to cause euphoria (8.5),methadone is detrimental to health(6%)and no knowledge about MMT(7%). The Logistic regression model indicated that having experience in voluntary rehabilitation, HIV infection and high score on AIDS knowledge were significantly associated with intention to receive MMT. Conclusions More than half of the drug users are willing to take MMT, and the reasons for not taking MMT are insufficient knowledge about MMT and rehabilitation. More publicity and public education are needed for drug users.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
中国艾滋病/结核病多学科研究培训项目(编号:5U2RTW 006918)~~