
生态批评视域下的《海上无路标》解读 被引量:2

An Analysis of No Signposts in the Sea from the Perspective of Eco-criticism
摘要 V·萨克维尔-韦斯特的小说《海上无路标》讲述了即将离开人世的主人公爱德蒙.卡尔在海上旅行时所经历的心理巨变:从人类中心主义者转变成生态主义者,并顿悟到回归自然、追寻诗意栖居之美的生命真谛。爱德蒙.卡尔这一角色反映了韦斯特丰富的生态思想:消解人类中心主义,解除人类精神生态危机;倡导回归自然,构建人与自然、人与自我、人与人和谐统一的生存境界。韦斯特的生态观表达了她对人类生存状态的忧虑和关怀,对诗意栖居的理想境界的追寻。 The novel written by Vita Easkoille-West,No Signposts in the Sea,describes the psychological changes of Edmund Carr who has only a short time to live during a sea voyage.Edmund Carr turns from a human-centralist into an eco-activist,and realizes the truth about life that human beings should return to nature and pursue the beauty of poetic dwelling.The role Edmund Carr reflects West's rich ecological thoughts including removing anthropocentrism and lifting the ecological crisis of human spirit,advocating a return to nature and building a realm of survival with the harmony and unity between man and nature,man and oneself,and man and man.West's ecological view expresses her concern about the state of human existence and her pursuit of the ideal realm of poetic dwelling.
作者 王旭霞
出处 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期27-29,191,共3页 Journal of Yangtze University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 海上无路标 爱德蒙.卡尔 生态批评 人类中心主义 生态主义 No Signposts in the Sea Edmund Carr eco-criticism anthropocentrism ecologism
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