Using the in vitro liquid culture system of human fetal liver stromal cells and the assay methods of hemopoietic stem and progenitor cells, we studied the interactions between stromal cells or the hemopoietic growth factors released by these cells and hemopoietic cells. The results showed that human fetal liver strornal cells could be cultured in the in vitro liquid culture system for a period of 100 days under the optimal conditions with series passages. During the period of culture the supernatant was collected at intervals of various times and was analysed respectively. The fetal liver stromal cells could continuously release several kinds of hemopoietic growth factors into the supernatant in which the CFU-S proliferation stimulator could be found all the time throughout the period of culture. In addition, BPF and GM-CSF could also be found in the supernatant collected on 24th day of culture. These hemopoietic growth factors have profound influences not only on the physiological state of stem cells (CFU-S), but also on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitors. No IL-3 like factors could be found in the supernatant.
Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology
liquid culture in vitro
fetal liver stromal cells
culture supernatant from fetal liver cells
hemopoietic growth factors