The world capitalist system after the end of the Second World War is the product of a series of his- torical developmental stages of worldwide capitalism. It shows quite a few changes compared with the pre-war peri- od : foreign direct investment became an important nexus, actors extended from states to groups of states and inter- national corporations, interventions and coordinations by international organizations were strengthened, international connections were reinforced by the new revolution of science and technology, and some states limited their own sov- ereignties on equal terms. Such features as diversity in modes of development, imbalance in levels of development, and inequality in economic relationship that have always been inside the world capitalist system became more promi- nent after the War. To survey the contemporary capitalist system with Lenin ' s relevant theories reveals that the in- herent contradictions of capitalist system remain unchanged, some states still acquire superprofits through control- ling and exploiting other nations, and the resulting principal contradiction of imperialism still exists.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an