Clearly strengthening the Party ' s vanguard nature is the principal requirement by the theme of Par- ty building. To express the theme of Party building as "to make strengthening the Party's vanguard nature and gov- ernance capability the theme of Party building," is not only determined by the Party ' s historical orientation, histor- ical missions, and new environments, but also is beneficial to clarify the fundamental questions in building a Marx- ist ruling party in the practice of Party building. It embodies the guiding effects of ideological building, education of ideals and beliefs, and cultivation of purpose consciousness on Party building. It has orientation effects in the prac- tice of Party building on enhancing construction of organizations, ranks, and talents with the criteria of integrity first, competence combined. It also has significant inspiring effects in carrying out specific works of Party building according to the laws of building a Marxist ruling party.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
strengthening vanguard nature
Party building
theme of party building