
外科术后快速康复措施在结肠癌手术中的应用 被引量:3

Fast Track Surgery in Colonic Carcinoma Operation
摘要 目的:探讨快速康复外科措施运用于结肠癌手术临床疗效。方法:根据入组条件将50例拟行结肠癌手术患者随机平均分为快速康复组和传统治疗组,分析比较术后住院天数、术后排气排便时间、并发症发生率等指标。结果:所有入组病例均完成实验;观察组比对照组具有较短术后住院天数(t=2.471,P=0.019),术后通气时间较早(t=2.403,P=0.020),术后排便时间亦较早(t=2.547,P=0.014),术后并发症发生率低(χ2=135.76,P=0.01)。结论:快速康复外科措施应用于结肠癌手术是安全有效的,能显著加速消化道功能恢复,减少住院天数。 Objectives To study the clinical application of fast track surgery in colonic carcinoma surgery. Methods Fifty cases of colorectal carcinoma patients' clinical dates were randomized into fast-track group and conventional care group. The average time of the first passage of flatus and stool, the length of postoperative stay and postoperative complication rate were analyzed. Results All patients finished the study. The average time of the first passage of flatus(t=2.403, P=0.020) and average time of the first passage of stool(t=2.694, P= 0.014) were shorter in the fast-track group. The length of postoperative stay(t=2.471,P=0.019) was shorter in the fast-track group. The postoperative complication rate was less in the fast-track group(X^2=135.76, P=0.01). Conclusion Fast track surgery in colonic carcinoma surgery is safe and effective.
出处 《中国中西医结合外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期232-234,共3页 Chinese Journal of Surgery of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 结肠手术 快速康复外科 临床运用 Colonic surgery Fast track surgery Clinical application
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