
^(131)Ⅰ治疗Graves甲亢对男性患者性激素及性功能的影响 被引量:6

Radioiodine-131 therapy improves sex hormones and sexual function in male patients with Graves' disease
摘要 目的:观察放射性131Ⅰ治疗男性Graves甲亢患者早期血清性激素和性功能的变化。方法:男性Graves甲亢患者34例,年龄21~40(32.3±6.7)岁,给予131Ⅰ治疗剂量为111~407(237.8±51.8)MBq,在131Ⅰ治疗前及治疗后3、6个月分别检测血清甲状腺激素及性激素,同时对患者进行勃起功能问卷评分(IIEF-5)调查。用同期体检的健康男性20例作为对照,年龄25~37(31±3.1)岁。结果:男性Graves甲亢患者雌激素、睾酮、促黄体生成素水平分别为(132.5±40.4)pmol/L、(21.6±4.6)nmol/L、(10.1±4.4)IU/L,明显高于健康对照组的(80.4±31.2)pmol/L、(14.5±4.2)nmol/L、(6.2±1.9)IU/L(P<0.05)。131Ⅰ治疗3个月后血清雌激素、睾酮水平为(110.2±20.6)pmol/L、(17.7±5.5)nmol/L,较治疗前明显下降(P<0.05)。治疗6个月后雌激素、睾酮、促黄体生成素水平为(82.6±30.1)pmol/L、(13.8±3.4)nmol/L、(6.6±1.5)IU/L,与健康对照组相比无差别(P>0.05)。男性Graves甲亢患者IIEF-5评分为5~25(15.5±3.5)分,明显低于对照组的19~25(24.5±0.5)分(P<0.05)。131Ⅰ治疗后6个月组为10~25(23.5±1.5)分,明显高于3个月组的8~25(19.5±1.0)分(P<0.05)。结论:男性Graves甲亢患者雌激素、睾酮、促黄体生成素水平明显增高,性功能评分(IIEF-5)明显降低。使用131Ⅰ治疗6个月后,患者血清睾酮、促黄体生成素,雌激素水平以及IIEF-5评分基本恢复正常。Graves甲亢患者使用131Ⅰ治疗可明显改善其性功能。 Objective: To observe the changes of sex hormones and sexual function in male patients with Graves'disease (GD) after Radioiodine-131 ( I-131 ) therapy. Methods : Thirty-four male GD patients, aged 21 - 40 ( 32.3±6.7 ) years, were treated with 1-131 at the dose of 111 -407 (237.8 ±51.8) MBq. The levels of serum sex hormones were measured, and the patients'scores on erectile function (IIEF-5) were obtained before and 3 and 6 months after the treatment. Another 20 healthy men aged 25 -37 (31±3.1 ) years were enlisted as controls. Results : The baseline levels of estrogen ( E2), testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were (132.5±40.4) pmol/L, (21.6±4.6) nmol/L and (10.1 ±4.4) IU/L in the GD patients, significantly higher than (80.4 ±31.2) pmol/L, ( 14.5 ±4.2) nmol/L and (6.2 ±1.9) IU/L in the healthy controls ( P 〈 0.05 ). The E2, T and LH levels showed a significant decrease in the GD patients after 3 months of treatment ( [ 110.2 ±20.6 ] pmol/L, [ 17.7 ± 5.5 ] nmol/L and (9.4± 3.9) IU/L, P 〈0. 05 ), but exhibited no statistically significant differences from the healthy controls at 6 months ( [ 82.6 ±30.1 ] pmol/L, [ 13.8 ±3.4 ] nmol/L and [ 6.6 ±1.5 ] IU/L, P 〉 0. 05). The IIEF-5 score of the GD patients was 5 - 25 ( 15.5 ±3.5) before 1-131 treatment, significantly lower than that of the controls (119 -25, 24 ±0.5 ) (P 〈 0.05 ), and it was 8 -25 ( 19.5 ±1. 0) at 3 months and 10 - 25 (23.5±1.5) at 6 months, significantly higher in the latter than in the former ( P 〈 0.05 ), and with no significant difference between the 6-month treated patients and the healthy controls (P 〉 0.05). Conclusion : The E2, T and LH levels are increased while the IIEF-5 score decreased markedly in male GD patients. Six-month treatment with 1-131 can not only restore the E2, T and LH levels to normal but also significantly improve the patient's sexual function.
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第6期542-544,共3页 National Journal of Andrology
关键词 GRAVES病 放射性131Ⅰ 性激素 性功能 IIEF-5 Graves'disease radioiodine-131 sex hormone sexual function IIEF-5
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