
不同角膜厚度下非接触眼压计与Schiotz眼压计测量眼压的比较 被引量:2

Comparison of the intraocular pressure of non-contact tonometry and Schiotz tonometer in different corneal thickness
摘要 目的:比较不同角膜厚度下非接触眼压计与Schiotz眼压计测量结果的差异。方法:对314例627眼分别用角膜测厚仪测量角膜厚度,非接触眼压计与Schiotz眼压计测量眼压,根据角膜厚度分为:较薄组(角膜厚度≤530μm)、正常组(530μm<角膜厚度≤570μm)、较厚组(角膜厚度>570μm)。采用配对t检验比较不同角膜厚度下两种测量结果的差异,并通过Bland-Altman进行一致性评价。结果:角膜厚度较薄组170眼,正常组301眼,较厚组156眼。两种方法在较薄组、正常组、较厚组三组中的眼压值分别为12.82±2.67,12.84±2.37mmHg;13.67±2.66,13.58±2.41mmHg;15.45±2.91,14.76±2.39mmHg。两种方法测量结果在角膜厚度正常和偏薄组中差异无统计学意义,偏厚组中差异有统计学意义。结论:在角膜厚度≤570μm的人群中,眼压的检查可在非接触眼压计和Schiotz眼压计间选择一种检查;对于角膜厚度>570μm的人群,需参考两种方法检查结果,进一步检查排除青光眼。 AIM:To compare the difference of intraocular pressure of non-contact tonometry and Schiotz tonometer in different corneal thickness.METHODS:Totally 314 cases (627 eyes) were recruited. Corneal thickness was measured by corneal pachymeter and intraocular pressure was measured by non-contact tonometry and Schiotz tonometer. Eyes were divided into 3 groups based on corneal thickness: thin group: corneal thickness〈530μm, normal group: 530μm〈corneal thickness ≤570μm and thick group: corneal thickness〉570μm. The statistical significance of differences was evaluated by paired t-test and the agreement was assessed by Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS:The eyes of thin, normal and thick group were: 170, 301 and 156 eyes, respectively.The intraocular pressure of non-contact tonometry and Schiotz tonometer in 3 groups were 12.82±2.67 mmHg,12.84±2.37mmHg;1367±2.66mmHg,13.58±2.41mmHg;15.45±2.91mmHg,14.76±2.39mmHg, respectively. There was significant difference in thick group and no significant difference in other groups. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that either non-contact tonometry or Schiotz tonometer could measure intraocular pressure in eyes with corneal thickness≤570μm, and consult the intraocular pressure of the two measurements in eyes with corneal thickness 〉570μm.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2012年第7期1337-1339,共3页 International Eye Science
关键词 非接触眼压计 SCHIOTZ眼压计 眼压 角膜厚度 non-contact tonometry Schiotztonometer intraocular pressure corneal thickness
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