信息过滤 ( information filtering)是解决网络信息查询困难的重要方法 ,其核心技术是用户信息需求的获取和信息匹配算法 .该文从这两方面讨论了在 Internet上进行信息过滤的问题 .在用户信息获取方面 ,提出通过扩展浏览器上的 Bookmark功能 ,跟踪用户信息需求 ,并直接利用用户评价文章来表达用户需求 .在信息匹配方面 ,提出最大间距进行 ranking的算法 .实验表明 ,它比传统算法精度更高 .作为对上述方法的实现 ,设计了 Bookmark服务系统 ,给出其系统框图 。
Information filtering is an important method to alleviate information overload. How to express user's information needs and how to rank them are two main problems in this area. This paper focuses on these two problems. Bookmark service, the solution that is an extension of bookmark function in browser, is used to catch user's information needs. The evaluation of the documents is used to represent user's information needs. Maxine Margin method, a novel ranking algorithm, is designed to increase precision. An experiment proves that it performs better than the traditional methods. A system called Bookmark Service System is designed for implementation. The system construction is given, and its main function is also introduced.
Journal of Software