
试析朝鲜半岛核问题与中国的政策走势 被引量:2

An Analysis on Korean Peninsula Nuclear Issue and the Trend of China's Policy
摘要 当前,朝鲜半岛形势由于朝鲜最高领导人金正日突然逝世、国家全面进入权力过渡阶段而充满不确定性。在朝鲜权力交替的敏感时期,各方为恢复六方会谈、重启半岛无核化进程进行的积极努力受此影响而放缓。朝鲜寻求核武器既是朝鲜半岛南北长期敌对、朝美间的冲突所铸安全困境之果,也是引发东北亚地区更大范围动荡的诱因,并且由于朝鲜权力交替蕴含的潜在风险,核危机对东北亚地区安全构成的威胁在增大。针对半岛核问题,中国政府一直通过双边和多边渠道发挥着稳定地区局势、推动半岛无核化的积极作用。结合朝鲜半岛形势的变化,在客观分析东北亚地区战略格局的基础上,中国政府将围绕维护半岛和平稳定和实现半岛无核化这两大战略目标继续作出更大的努力。 Because of the sudden death of North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Il and subsequent power transition in North Korea,there are many uncertainties of the situation on Korean peninsula.During this sensitive period of power transition in North Korea,some countries endeavor to restart Six-Party Talks and resume the denuclearization process of Korean peninsula paused temporarily.As its pursuing of nuclear weapons is a consequence of security dilemma caused by longstanding rivalry between the north and the south on the peninsula and confrontations between D.P.R.K and U.S.,North Korea's pursuing nuclear weapons have become potential causes disturbing the stability of the whole Northeast Asia.And the threat to the security of Northeast Asia region posed by this nuclear crisis is intensifying due to the risks embedded in North Korea's power transition.In responding to Korean peninsula nuclear issue,Chinese government has played a positive role on preserving peace and stability of Korean peninsula and promoting the denuclearization process through bilateral and multilateral approaches.
作者 王君
出处 《国际展望》 2012年第3期94-105,141-142,共12页 Global Review
基金 西南交通大学青年教师百人计划资助项目(2009QK60)的资助
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