
真空辅助活检装置常见问题的处理体会 被引量:2

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy for breast lesions
摘要 目的:探讨真空辅助活检装置(Mammotome)手术常见问题的处理体会。方法:266例患者,329枚乳房肿块,经超声检查诊断均为乳房占位,在超声引导下行麦默通微创旋切治疗。结果:超声引导麦默通微创旋切治疗过程中病变均能清晰显示,引导成功率100%。1例出现皮肤损伤,1例出现切除部位出血、21例出现皮下青紫,发生率5.65%(23/266)。术后3个月超声随访,3例原病灶附近出现新病灶,复发率0.11%。结论:超声引导下麦默通微创旋切手术治疗乳腺肿块具有安全、准确、创伤小、恢复快等优点。 Objective:To explore the methods in Mammotome micro- potary operation. Methods: A total of 329 breast lesions diagnosed by uhrasonography in 266 patients were treated by Mammotome micro - potary opera- tion under ultrasonic guidance. Results: The lesions were showed clearly in micro - potary operation under ultrason- ic guidance. The success rate of guidance was 100%. The incidence of complication was 5.65% (23/266) , with one ease injured in skin, another case bleeding at the incision site, and 21 cases had ecchymoses. New lesions were found by ultrasonography near the primary lesions in 3 cases 3 months after operation and recurrence rate was 0.11%. Conclusion: Some advantages such as less trauma, fewer complications, rapid recovery, security and accuracy could be seen in Mammotome micro -potary operation under ultrasonic guidance.
出处 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期231-233,共3页 Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China
关键词 乳腺疾病 手术 麦默通 并发症 Breast disease Operation Mammotome Complication
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