

Optimization of Production Technology of Recombinant Human Interleukin-15 in Shaking Flask
摘要 通过研究不同类型培养基和培养温度、起始pH值等发酵条件对IL-15产量的影响,初步确认了摇瓶水平发酵各因素的最优条件。优化的发酵条件为发酵起始pH值7.0、培养温度37℃、乳糖诱导浓度1.5 g/L、菌体生长密度OD600达到1.0时加入乳糖、诱导时间4 h,此时IL-15产量达到最高水平,从而为IL-15批量生产奠定了良好的基础。 The expression level of IL- 15 was influenced by different medium and other fermentation parameters including culture temperature, initial pH value and so on. The optimal parameters of various factors were confirmed by flask - fermentation. The optimal fermentation parameters with lactose induction was pH 7.0 of culture medium,37℃ of culture temperature, 1.5 g/L of joining lactose final concentration when the recombinant strain growth density OD60o achieved 1.0 and induction maintained for 4 hours,the production of IL - 15 reached the highest level. This fermentation technology established good foundation for the IL - 15 mass production.
作者 杨梅 许崇利
出处 《中国兽药杂志》 2012年第6期34-37,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug
基金 吉林化工学院科研基金(2012-046)
关键词 IL-15 摇瓶发酵 表达 优化 interleukin - 15 flask - fermentation expression optimization
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