目的扩增多房棘球蚴线粒体NADH脱氢酶亚基1(NADH dehydrogenase suhunit1,ND1)基因全序列,测序并进行同源性比较。建立检测多房棘球蚴感染的PCR方法,应用于人和动物感染多房棘球蚴的快速检测和鉴定。方法根据多房棘球绦虫线粒体DNA全序列,设计引物扩增ND1基因并进行测序,获得多房棘球蚴ND1基因全序列。对该序列与其它常见棘球绦虫的NDI基因序列进行同源性分析。结果多房棘球蚴线粒体ND1基因序列与国外报告的多房棘球绦虫的同源性达到98.8%,与细粒棘球绦虫的同源性为86.2%,与少节棘球绦虫的同源性为84.6%,与伏氏棘球绦虫的同源性为87.0%。结论多房棘球蚴线粒体ND1基因与其他棘球绦虫相应基因存在显著差异。PCR方法可以用于多房棘球蚴感染的快速检测和鉴定。
Objective To analyze the whole length of the mitochondria gene ND1 in Echinococcus multilocularis and to develop a PCR method for detecting and identifying E. multilocularis infections in human and animals. Methods According to the whole length of the DNA in E. multilocularis, primers were designed to amplify the mitochondria gene ND1. Results The mitochondria gene ND1 in E. multilocularis we sequenced had 98. 8% homology with E. multilocularis, 86.2% with E. granulosus, 84. 6% with E. oligarthrus, and 87.0% with E. vogeli from abroad. Conclusion There were distinctive variations between E. multilocularis and other Echinococcus spp.. PCR technique is a fast method for E. multilocularis detection.
International JOurnal of Medical Parasitic Diseases