
北京城市公园湿地休憩功能的利用及其社会人口学因素 被引量:6

Effects of social-demographic factors on the recreational service of park wetlands in Beijing
摘要 城市公园湿地是城市重要的生态基础设施,是城市居民休闲游憩的重要场所,具有重要的生态、社会文化服务功能。以北京地区20个典型的公园湿地为研究对象,采用问卷调查方法,将定性指标和定量指标相结合,用统计学方法分析了休憩者对公园湿地的使用情况,并采用Logistic回归方法揭示了影响城市公园湿地利用的社会人口学因素。结果表明:(1)休憩者到访公园湿地的距离与使用频率密切相关,43.4%的休憩者到达公园湿地的行程时间<1 h,这其中34.1%的休憩者使用公园湿地的频率每年在12次以上;仅有17.4%的休憩者每年使用各公园湿地频率为12次以上,这其中85%到达各公园湿地的行程时间<1h;(2)影响休憩者对公园湿地使用频率为每年12次以上的因素依次为行程时间、个人月收入、有无私家车、文化程度、职业、年龄。另外,性别与年龄的交互作用也有一定的影响;(3)愉悦身心是休憩者使用各公园湿地的最主要原因。研究旨在为城市公园湿地的合理优化与配置、城市绿地系统规划及城市的可持续发展提供科学依据。 This paper presents urban parks as the last remnant of natural landscapes in urbanized areas to be the recreational service of wetlands as green spaces. Although the proportion of green spaces was found to decrease with the increasing urbanization, as the major part of green spaces, urban parks can provide ecological, economic, social, and cultural services for human, and make up of public recreational areas for modern-life styles. In urban parks, water landscapes were important for the recreational service due to their direct use for residents. This study analyzed the effects of social-demographic factors on the recreational services of 20 urban parks in Beijing by questionnaires. Descriptive statistical methods were used to investigate the use of urban parks wetlands, and logistic regression analysis was used to identify effects of socio-demographic factors on use of urban parks wetlands. The results show that: (1) the travel time of respondents to a park was correlated to frequency of visits. About 43.4% of the respondents live in the areas with 1 hour travel, among which 34.1% of the respondents visit the park wetlands more than 12 times every year. On the other hand, only 17.4% of the respondents visit urban parks wetlands more than 12 times every year, 85% of the respondents have accessibility less than 1 hour travel. (2) The importance of socio-demographic factors on the preference of local people to urban park decreases from travel time, income per capita, private car, education level, occupation, and age. Travel time is the most important factor to affect the use frequency of parks wetlands in Beijing. Gender and accommodation types were not significantly correlated to the frequency of use of parks wetlands in Beijing. However, the integrative effect of gender and age was obvious. (3) Most respondents visit urban parks for relax, and then getting knowledge, physical exercise, and social exchange. This study may help decision-makers and urban planners on optimization and management of urban parks.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期3565-3576,共12页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家杰出青年基金资助项目(40925003) 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室自主项目(SKLURE2008-1-02)
关键词 城市公园 休憩功能 影响因素 LOGISTIC回归 社会人口学 urban parks recreational service affecting factors logistic regression socio-demographics
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