
液压压紧式牵引传动装置动力学研究 被引量:2

Dynamics Research of Hydraulic Clamp Traction Transmission Device
摘要 运用弹流动力润滑理论建立了传动装置牵引特性计算模型,并通过Matlab建立了该传动系统的动力学仿真模型。通过仿真计算可知,在变速过程中,由于摩擦副存在滑滚比,牵引摩擦副所起的作用相当于传统变速箱的变矩器或主离合器,具有缓冲功能;并且在某一输入转速和法向加载力下,传动比越小,最大输出转速越大,但达到稳定所用时间越长,同时输出转矩和输出角加速度响应时间越长。仿真结果反映了牵引传动装置的动力学特性,为液压压紧式牵引传动装置提供了准确的分析方法。 The elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication theory was used for setting up transmission characteristics of traction calculation model. The dynamic simulation model of this system was established by using Matlab. From simulation results, traction friction pair was equivalent to traditional role of main gearbox or torque converter with a buffer function in the transmission process. When gave a input speed and a loading force, the smaller the speed ratio was, the greater the output speed was. But the time of achieving stabilization was longer at the same time, the response time of output torque and output angular acceleration was longer. The simulation results reflected the dynamics characteristic of traction transmission devices. It is provided an accurate method for hydraulic clamp traction transmission devices.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期15-18,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国防基础科研资助项目(A2220060029) 车辆传动国家重点实验室基金资助项目(9140C340201113403)
关键词 牵引传动 液压压紧式 动力学 无级变速器 Traction transmission, Hydraulic clamp, Dynamics, Continuously variabletransmission
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