
促进大学英语教师专业发展的学习策略——以G大学为例的实证研究 被引量:36

On the learning strategies for College English teachers’professional development:An empirical study based on G University
摘要 针对Richards & Farrell(2005)提出的旨在促进语言教师专业发展的11种学习策略(包括自我监察、同伴辅导、合作教学、教师互助小组、案例研究、教学工作坊、教学日志、行动研究等),研究者设计了一套由14道题组成的半开放式调查问卷,在G大学Y学院的90多位大学英语教师中进行研究。基于48份有效反馈问卷,对11种策略在大学英语教师发展中的作用进行了实证分析。研究结论认为,上述11种策略对大学英语教师专业发展均有帮助,但在帮助的程度、侧面以及适应对象等方面不尽相同,教师对它们的喜好也有差异。无论是由教师独立完成还是由教师间合作才能进行的学习策略,都需要教师增强专业发展的自我意识,积极参与合作活动;教师所在组织应努力营造学院的合作文化,为教师专业发展创设良好环境。本研究对我国大学英语教师的专业发展具有启发意义。 This is a continued research of the effects of a school-based teacher education program on EFL teachers' profes- sional development in the context of China. Based on a semi-structured questionnaire conducted in the faculty of G university, the researcher analyzes how the learning strategies for language teachers help in promoting College English teachers develop profes- sionally. The 11 strategies proposed by Richards & Farrell (2005) include workshop, self-monitoring, teaching journal, case studies, peer coaching, teacher support groups, peer observation, team teaching, action research, etc. Some of them can be done by one teacher independently, and some need cooperation with others. The research finds that all these strategies are helpful in College English teachers' professional development, but their functions are different in degrees and aspects, and they are suit- able to different types of teachers. It also concludes that College English teachers are expected to increase their awareness of pro- fessional development, and the institution should create favorable conditions and a culture of cooperation for the teachers to apply these strategies in their daily work in order to develop themselves professionally.
作者 董金伟
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期14-22,共9页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 2011年广东省教育教学改革工程项目"外语教师可持续发展的学习策略研究与实践" 广东外语外贸大学人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"大学教师专业发展策略研究--以广东省高校大学英语教师为例"的阶段性成果
关键词 大学英语教师 专业发展 学习策略 实证研究 College English teacher professional development learning strategies empirical research
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