
《猫城记》1964年英译本研究 被引量:6

A study on the English translation of Mao Cheng Ji(1964)
摘要 老舍长篇小说《猫城记》的英译是中国现代文学英译研究中被忽略的一个作品。而在国外,《猫城记》和《骆驼祥子》的影响等量齐观:该作品在西方很早就有英译本,之后又被重译,译本甚至被西方作为中国研究的史料。本文将从文本选择偏向、小说主题偏离与文学样式变形三个方面考察1964年《猫城记》英译本的形成过程;探讨《猫城记》在进入英语世界的过程初期所经历的扭曲与变形,以及背后的深层原因。 City of Cats ( Mao Cheng Ji), one of LAO She' s novels, certainly deserves much more attention from scholars engaged in the studies of the English translation of modern Chinese literature since it has enjoyed the same amount of fame as Camel Xiangzi in the western world. The novel' s first trip into the English-speaking world was marked with many turns and twists. The article studies that journey from three aspects : the preference in text selection ; the change in the literary theme and the reshuffling of the literary features.
作者 夏天
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期82-88,共7页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
关键词 《猫城记》 政治“他者” 文本选择 文学样式 City of Cats political otherness choice of the text literary features
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  • 6Dew, James E. 1964. City of Cats. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan.
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