
我国新能源汽车产业化发展问题及对策研究 被引量:53

Energy Vehicles Industrialization Development(Part 1)—Analysis of Problems of Chinese New Energy Vehicles Industrialization Development
摘要 新能源汽车是全球汽车产业转型升级的方向,更是我国应对石油短缺的战略抉择;同时发展新能源汽车也是解决我国大中城市空气严重污染的根本途径。2010年我国正式把新能源汽车产业列为战略性新兴产业,之后各项消费补贴政策先后出台,大批资本进入,新能源汽车热潮到来,我国新能源汽车产业发展取得初步成果。但现阶段新能源汽车产业化困境突显。本文就新能源汽车产业化困境中面临的政策问题、技术研发问题、电池问题、成本问题、产品问题、标准问题、基础设施问题及商业模式问题这八大难题,进行了深入系统的研究。并在此基础之上提出了相应对策及建议。 New energy vehicles industry is the direction for global automotive industry' s upgrading, moreover, it' s our country' s strategic choice to response to oil shortages ; and the development of new energy vehicles is the fundamental way to solve the serious air pollution in large and medium - sized cities in China. In 2010, new energy vehicles industry was formally classified as strategic emerging industries, soon the consumer subsidy policies have been introduced one after an- other, quantities of foreign capital fly into the industry, new energy vehicles boom appears, and our new energy automotive industry development has achieved initial achievements. But at this stage, the new energy vehicles industrialization dilemma highlights. The policy problem, technology research and development problems, battery problems, cost, the product, standard, infrastructure problems and business models these eight big problems in the new energy vehicles industrialization dilemma are made with in -depth and systems research. And then some countermeasures and suggestions are given.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期29-35,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家软科学基金资助项目"中国汽车工业跨越式发展研究"(2010GXS5D244) 广西教育厅基金资助项目"柳州汽车产业结构升级问题研究"(201106LX412) 广西工学院社会科学基金"柳州汽车零部件产业结构优化问题研究"(院科社1074101)
关键词 新能源汽车 产业化 发展问题 研究 New energy vehicles industrialization develop problems
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