Due to the existence of mutual inductances and various types of faults, it is more difficult in fault analysis and fault location for four-circuit transmission system composed of two double-circuit transmission lines on same towers respectively belonging to different voltage grades. For this reason, the superposition of two six-sequence component matrices is adopted to decompose the four-circuit transmission lines respectively belonging to two different voltage grades, thus the impedance matrix can be turned into a special diagonal matrix and only two nonzero elements on non-diagonals and this suggests that there is mutual inductance in the synclastic zero-sequence network of the four-circuit transmission system. Applying matrix transformation to currents at both terminals of the two double-circuit transmission lines on same towers in the four-circuit transmission system, two sets of reverse positive sequence currents are attained, then based on the feature that at fault point the reverse positive-sequence voltages calculated from opposite buses are equal, the two-terminal fault location for the four-circuit transmission system can be implemented. It is not needed for the proposed two-terminal fault location method to perform parameter reduction among double-circuit transmission lines on same towers respectively belonging to different voltage grades, and the fault location accuracy is not affected by fault types, transition resistance at fault point and operation modes of power grid. Simulation results show that the proposed fault location method is available and practicable.
Power System Technology
superposition of two 6-sequence-componentmatrix
reverse positive sequence component
four-circuittransmission lines belonging to different voltage grades
two-terminal fault location