

Analysis and comparison of permission-elevating attack under two networks environment
摘要 为了分析分离映射网络对权限提升攻击的缓解作用,提出了一种基于损失期望的攻击图建模评估方法。首先根据网络状态和脆弱性信息确定属性节点和原子攻击节点,生成攻击图,然后根据攻击者选取的攻击序列计算其对目标网络造成损失的期望值。基于该方法对两种网络环境中权限提升攻击情况进行了建模分析对比,结果表明分离映射网络对权限提升攻击起到了良好的缓解作用,较传统网络具有明显的安全优势。 To analysis the role of the Identifier/Locator separated network in the mitigation of permission-elevating attack,an attack graph,a modeling and evaluating approach,based on the expected loss is introduced.First,determine the attribute nodes and the atomic attack nodes and generate the attack graph according to the network states and vulnerability information.On this basis,calculate the expectations of its loss on the target network according to the attacker's attack sequence.After a comparative analysis,it can be concluded that the Identifier/Locator separated network effectively alleviates the permission-elevating attack,and performs much better than the current one in network security.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期2101-2106,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60833002 60903150 60972010) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(2011JBM016)
关键词 攻击图 属性节点 原子攻击节点 损失期望 分离映射网络 权限提升攻击 attack graph attribute nodes atomic attack nodes expected loss identifier-locator split mapping network permission-elevating attack
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