

Prediction mechanism for change trend of interval service response time
摘要 针对传统预测方法难以在不损失信息的前提下,预测不确定性的区间型服务响应时间的问题,提出了区间灰数预测机制来分析服务响应时间变化趋势。根据服务响应时间具有在一定范围内动态性较强的特性,分析了引入区间型服务质量属性描述方式的优势,建立了区间灰数预测模型,预测了服务稳定性和服务响应时间上下界值。实验表明了该方法预测精度达到1级,与现有工作比较能预测分析出稳定性更高的服务。 Aimed at the problem that the traditional methods loss some information and can not prediction the uncertainty interval service response time.The interval grey number prediction mechanism is presented.Firstly,according to the dynamic character in definite range of the service response time,the advantage of introduction the interval QoS description model is analyzed.Then,the interval grey prediction model is built,the stability of service,the upper bound and lower bound is predicted.At last,simulation shows the precision of prediction reached 1 degree,the prediction mechanism can find the more stability service compared to existing works.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期2318-2322,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 河南省重点科技攻关基金项目(102102210020)
关键词 服务 响应时间 趋势分析 区间型服务质量属性 预测 service response time trend analysis interval QoS attribute prediction
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