根据全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试考点网上报名的应用需求,采用MVC设计模式,并以Tomcat 5.0与Windows 2003作为运行平台,设计开发了基于B/S架构体系的网上报名管理系统,实现了考生网上注册、考试科目选报、准考证预览、考务人员缴费统计、数据批量导出与远程上报等功能。试运行结果表明,网上报名系统可方便考生不受时间地域限制,及时填报考试信息,降低了考务人员的工作强度,提升了考务准备工作的效率。
According to the application requirements for online registration of the general examination of computer application ability for the national professional technical staff, a browser/server based online registration system was design and implemented by using MVC design patterns, tomcat 5.0 and Windows 2003. This system implements several functions such as registration, curricu- lums selection, exam attendance docket preview, payment statistics and registration data export. The results of system operation show that this system can facilitate the candidates fill in registration table without time and geographical restrictions, reduce the work inten- sity of examination personnel, and improve the efficiency of examination preparation services.
Modern Electronics Technique