为降低传统实验仪器成本,扩充数据分析功能,设计了一套数据采集与分析系统。通过NI 6251数据采集卡实时采集信号,利用LabVIEW图形化编程语言开发了数据信号分析系统。结果表明,该系统能取代传统数采仪表,完成基本数据采集和基本信号分析和显示功能,系统具有人机交互界面友好、功能强大、易于扩展和维护等优点,可广泛应用于实验室虚拟实验平台和工业领域。
A data acquisition and processing system has been designed aiming at reducing the traditional laboratory apparatus costs and expanding the data processing functions. NI data acquisition card (NI 6251)collected the signals, and the software system for signal ana lyzer.collector and stored was developed by using LabVIEW graphical programming lan- guage. The result shows that the system can replace traditional data acquisition instrument, finishing data acquisition.analyzing and displaying quality. The system also has advantages in friendly interface, powerful, easy expansion and maintenance. It can be widely applied in laboratory virtual experiment platform and industrial field.
Guidance & Fuze