
运动处方在前交叉韧带重建术后患者康复中应用效果的观察 被引量:4

Effect of physical exercise prescriptions on rehabilitation after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament
摘要 目的探讨运动处方在关节镜下前交叉韧带损伤重建术后患者康复中应用的效果。方法将66例患者随机分为对照组和观察组,每组各33例。对照组患者给予实施常规康复护理,观察组患者在常规康复护理基础上,应用运动处方进行康复训练指导。比较两组患者术后能完成最低强度正面直腿抬高锻炼的时间。结果观察组患者术后能完成最低强度正面直腿抬高时间明显短于对照组,两组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。结论 运动处方可有效提高关节镜下前交叉韧带损伤重建术后患者肌力康复的效果,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To investigate the effects of physical exercise prescriptions on the rehabilitation of patients after reeonstruction ol anterior cruciate ligament under arthroscopy. Methods 66 patients having received reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament under arthroscopy were randomly and equally divided into control group and observation group. The patients of control group received routine rehabilitation nursing and those of observation group extra rehabilitation instruction of physical exercise prescriptions. The time needed for the patients to complete the straight leg elevation exercise of lowest intensity was compared between the two groups. Result Patients in the observation group needed less time to complete the straight leg elevation exercise of lowest intensity than those of the control group (P 〈 0.05). Conclusions Physical exercise prescription may effectively improve the rehabilitation after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament under arthroscopy.
作者 何舜瑜 王菊
出处 《现代临床护理》 2012年第5期52-54,共3页 Modern Clinical Nursing
关键词 运动处方 前交叉韧带 康复 肌力 physical exercise prescription anterior cruciatc ligament rehabilitation muscle strength
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