
青岛地区慢性荨麻疹患者食物不耐受结果分析(英文) 被引量:3

Research on the Result of Food Intolerance in Patients with Chronic Urticaria in Qingdao
摘要 目的:探讨青岛地区慢性荨麻疹患者与食物不耐受的相关性。方法:选取慢性荨麻疹患者496名,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测血清中14种食物特异性IgG。结果:385例患者食物不耐受阳性,以鸡蛋、牛奶、螃蟹、鳕鱼、大豆为主,分别占55.0%、28.6%、26.8%、19.5%、15.1%;不同年龄组中不耐受的食物所占的比例不同;其中,儿童组:以鸡蛋(84.0%)、牛奶(59.0%)、螃蟹、大豆(16.0%)、鳕鱼(15.3%)为主;青年组:以鸡蛋(55.1%)、牛奶(29.1%)、螃蟹(27.6%)、鳕鱼(22.8%)为主;中年组:以鸡蛋(39.9%)、螃蟹(32.5%)、鳕鱼(18.4%)、大豆(12.9%)为主;老年组:以螃蟹(35.5%)、鸡蛋(27.4%)、大豆(19.4%)、鳕鱼(17.7%)为主。结论:通过检测分析患者血清中特异性IgG,发现青岛及其周边地区慢性荨麻疹患者不耐受的食物以海产品为主,且随年龄增长其敏感性逐渐增加。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between food intolerance and patients with chronic urticaria in Qingdao.Methods: 14 kinds of food-specific IgG in serum of 496 patients with chronic urticaria were detected by using ELISA assay.Results: There were 385 patients positive for food intolerance,especially eggs,cow’s milk,crabs,codfish,soybean which accounted for 55.0℅,28.6℅,26.8℅,19.5℅,15.1℅,respectively.The proportion varies with age.The kids: with egg(84.0℅),cow’s milk(59.0℅),crab and soybean(16.0℅),codfish(15.3℅);The young: with egg(55.1℅),cow’s milk(29.1℅),crab(27.6℅),codfish(22.8℅).The middle-aged: with egg(39.9℅),crab(32.5℅),codfish(18.4℅),soybean(12.9℅);The old: with crab(35.5℅),egg(27.4℅),soybean(19.4℅),codfish(17.7℅).Conclusion: Most patients with chronic urticaria in Qingdao could not tolerate marine product,and the sensitivity increased with age.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2012年第13期2489-2491,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 慢性荨麻疹 食物不耐受 特异性IGG 变应原 Chronic urticaria Food intolerance Specific IgG Allergens
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