
仁者之心 智者之道——“庆贺王震亚从事音乐工作65周年暨90华诞学术座谈会”纪要 被引量:1

A Summary of the Academic Seminar in Celebration of Wang Zhenya's 65 Years of Music Career and His 90^(th) Birthday
摘要 2012年2月19日,"《龙声华韵》——王震亚古琴音乐改编作品音乐会"在北京音乐厅成功举办,这场具有学术前沿意义的"高龄"音乐会,吸引了众多不同领域的专业人士的特别关注。以古琴为代表的中国传统文人音乐和西方管弦乐队与合唱的"中国化"结合的实践,尤其是作为我国作曲家群体中既深谙西方现代音乐作曲技法, On February 19,2012,the Concert of Guqin Music Rearranged by Wang Zhenya was successfully held at Beijing Concert Hall.This academically avant-garde ″old-age″ concert attracted the attention of many professionals in various fields.The centre of attention lied in the combination of the traditional Chinese literati music and the ″sinicized″ Western orchestra and choir,and in particular,the many years' exploration and experiment in rearranging guqin music made by Prof.Wang Zhenya,who has not only a deep knowledge of modern Western composition techniques,but also influential researches in Chinese guqin and Peking Opera music.Following the concert,on February 29,the Academic Seminar in Celebration of Wang Zhenya's 65 Years of Music Career and His 90th Birthday, co-sponsored by the Composition Department, the Musicological Institute and the Xiao Youmei Music Education Promotion Association of the Central Conservatory of Music took place at the conservatory. Participants included Prof. Wang Zhenya himself and many of his former colleagues, friends, students and family members, with a total of over 50 persons. Free and enthusiastic talks were given on Prof. Wang's academic career and his concert. The seminar was co-hosted by Huang Xudong, Secretary-General of Xiao Youmei Music Education Promotion Association and Guo Wenjing, Dean of the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music. In a letter of congratulations addressed to the seminar, Prof. Wang Cizhao, President of the Central Conservatory of Music,remarked that ″ Prof. Wang Zhenya, being one of the founders of the Central Conservatory of Music, has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of the conservatory. He has carried out researches on and promoted the Chinese way of music composition, and has been keen on exploring into and learning from modern Western music composition techniques, and by applying theminto his own practices, he has built up a bridge linking the traditions and the modernity, the Chinese and the Western. He used to serve as Vice-President of the Central Conservatory and the Editor -in -Chief of the magazine Musical Works, playing an important role in improving the conservatory's education management and scientific development, and in promoting the composition work of the Chinese Musicians' Association. On the occasion of celebrating Prof. Wang Zhenya's 90th birthday, I sincerely wish him good health and long life!″ Prof. Wang Zhenya in his speech asked the audience to talk more about the concert as the future of guqin music is far more important than his own life career. He confessed that there were many issues to be discussed concerning guqin music rearrangement, and that much of the content in the concert was completed by imagination and therefore needed to be perfected. He said that he was open to all different opinions concerning the imperfections of the concert.
作者 荣英涛
出处 《人民音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期12-15,95,共4页 People’s Music
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  • 1中央音乐学院作曲系、音乐学研究所和萧友梅音乐教育促进会编.《仁者寿-庆贺王震亚90华诞》,中央音乐学院学报社2012年2月出版,第2页.









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