
河南省结核分枝杆菌药物敏感性测试质量控制结果分析 被引量:4

Analysis of quality control results of drug susceptibility testing on mycobacterium tuberculosis in Henan province
摘要 目的评价河南省Mtb药物敏感性测试的质量,规范并完善河南省结核病实验室药物敏感性室间质量保证体系。方法河南省6个受评估实验室按照《结核病诊断实验室检测规程》中比例法药敏试验要求对河南省结核病参比实验室下发的一线及二线药敏测试菌株58株进行比例法药敏试验,试验结果均报河南省结核病参比实验室(PRL),由PRL与标准结果比较并进行统计学分析。结果一线药物INH、RFP、S和EMB的一致性分别为91.0%(151/166)、95.8%(159/166)、89.2%(148/166)和77.1%(128/168);二线药物平均一致性达到了94.9%(683/720)。结论河南省6个评估实验室一线药的INH和RFP及四种二线药物敏感性检测均达到WHO和国家要求,EMB的敏感性检测水平有待进一步提高。 Objective To evaluate the quality control results of drug susceptibility testing(DST) of MTB in order to standardize and improve the external quality assurance(EQA)system of DST in Henan province.Methods In accordance with the TB diagnostic laboratory testing procedures,six laboratories intend to be evaluated performed the proportional method for DST proficiency testing.A total of 58 strains were issued by Henan provincial reference laboratory(PRL) to each testing laboratory,and the results were reported to PRL and made comparison with the standard results.Results The consistency of first line drug INH,RFP,S and EMB was 91.0%(151/166),95.8%(159/166),89.2%(148/166) and 77.1%(128/168) respectively.The average consistency of second-line drugs reached 94.9%(683/720).Conclusion The DST for first line INH and RFP and four second line drugs in six laboratories evaluated met the WHO and national requirement.However,the EMB testing should be further improved.
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2012年第6期374-376,共3页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
关键词 分枝杆菌 结核 微生物敏感性试验 质量控制 河南省 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microbial sensitivity tests Quality control Henan province
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