
经合组织国际高等教育学习成果评价项目——AHELO解析 被引量:4

摘要 经合组织在2008年启动了高等教育学习成果评价项目(Assessment of HigherEducation Learning Outcomes,AHELO),并将其作为经合组织在高等教育领域最重大的项目。AHELO旨在考察学士学位获得者的学习成果,考察内容为"通用技能"(Generic Skills)和"学科专业知识"(Discipline-Specific Skills)。现阶段共有16个国家参与了AHELO的可行性研究,已经完成开发工作的测评工具包括通用技能测试、经济学测试和工程学测试。AHELO注重考察学生的学习成果,同时致力于找到与学习成果相关的背景因素。
作者 廖青
出处 《中国高等教育评估》 2012年第2期40-44,共5页 China Higher Education Evaluation
  • 相关文献


  • 1OECD.AHELO Brochure [EB/OL].http://www.oecd.org/ dataoecd/37/49/45755875.pdf.2012-2-20.
  • 2OECD.Testing Student and University Performance G|obaUy:OECD's AHELO [EB/OL]. http://www.oecd.org/ document / 22 / 0 % 2C3746 % 2Cen_2649_35961291_ 40624662 1 1 1 l%2C00.html.2012-2-21.
  • 3OECD.Getting the Right Data.he Assessment Instruments for the AHELO Feasibility Study[EB/OL].
  • 4OECD.Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected and Desired Learning Outcomes in Economics [EB/OL]. http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/tuning- ahelo-conceptual-framework-of-expected-and-desired- learning -outcomes -in -economics_5kghtchwb3nn -en. 2012-2-19.
  • 5OECD. A Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected Desired/Learning Outcomes in Engineering[EB/ OL]. http ://www. oecd -ilibrary. org/docserver/download / fulhext/5kghtchn8mbn.pdf?expires =1329637123&id = id&accname =guest&checksum=F2D6035773979DA55C3 DB2A5B25F18A7.2012-2-19.
  • 6OECD.AHELO newsletter -May 2011 [EB/OL].http:// www.oecd.org/dataoecd/17/63/47932932.pdf.2011-10--31.
  • 7Simon Marginson, Marijk van Der Wende.To Rank or To Be Ranked:The lmPactof Global Ranking in Higher E-Dueation[J].Journal of Studies in Intemational Eduea- tion. VOI. 11. No.3/4,2007 : 306-329.
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  • 2Simon Marginson, Marijk Van Der Wende, To Rank or To Be Ranked: The Impact of Global Rankings in Higher Education, Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 11, No. 3/4, 2007. 306-329.
  • 3Chair's Summary, Informal OECD Ministerial Meeting on Evaluating the Outcomes of Higher Education, Tokyo, 11-12 January 2008, Chaired by Kisaburo Tokai, Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
  • 4Marguerite Clarke, The Impact of Higher Education Rankings on Student Access, Choice and Opportunity, Higher Education in Europe, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2007.59-70.
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  • 7Alex User, Massimo Savino, A Global Survey of University Ranking and League Tables, Higher Education in Europe, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2007.5-15.



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