Since 2010, the No.1 document of central government named "the new generation of migrant workers" for the first time. The new generation of migrant workers draws on public attention. As to the concept, this paper gives the proper reflection of the deviations in the series of researches and its prevention, and sketches out the social impression of the new generation of migrant workers and group identity, such as higher levels of education, higher career expectations, higher level of consumption, higher level of social security; low work tolerance; weak provincialism. Compared to other groups, the new generation of migrant workers is not highly educated. Their peasant identity was weakened and urban community identity was strengthened. Finally, the demographic and social characteristics of the group identity of the new generation of migrant workers should be distinguished and the heterogeneity should be fully paid attention to. And we should consider the characteristics from the surrounding community and intergenerational relationship together.
Contemporary Youth Research
New Generation of Migrant Workers
Group Identity
Heterogeneous Group