目的 研究BALB/c小鼠在感染柯萨奇(Cox)B3病毒后外周血干扰素(interferon, IFN)水平的动态变化以及抗柯注射液(RSF)对其的影响。方法 将小鼠分为正常对照组、病毒对照组、10mg/kgRSF组、20mg/kgRSF组和30mg/kgRSF组,分别在病毒感染后3、8、12d,用细胞致病效应抑制法(CPE)测定各组小鼠外周血的IFN水平。结果 感染病毒小鼠用RSF治疗后体内IFN水平显著增高,尤其在感染早期更为明显,且随剂量增大而增高(P<0.001)。结论 RSF诱生内源性IFN可能是其防治病毒性心肌炎的重要机制之一。
Objective To compare the interferon titers of peripheral blood of BALB/c mice infected with CoxB3 virus on different days after infection between the control group and groups treated with Kangke (RSF) injection. Methods BALB/c mice were divided into five groups: healthy group, virus -- infected group, 10mg/kg RSF group, 20mg/kg RSF group and 30mg/kg RSF group. The interferon titers of peripheral blood were measured with cytophathic effect (CPE). Results Interferon titers were increased significantly in the infected mice treated with RSF of different doses, especially in the early stage of infection. Conclusion RSF could induce high interferon titers in vivo and might be one of the mechanisms to prevent viral myocarditis.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai