
基于DSP的超磁致伸缩换能器驱动电源设计 被引量:5

Design of rare-earth magnetostrictive transducer based on DSP
摘要 为了提高稀土超磁致伸缩换能器驱动电源的效率以及实用性,采用DSP器件TMS320F2812作为主控芯片,结合混合脉宽调制方法实现SPWM波形。采用半桥型逆变电路实现SPWM的功率放大,并对隔离驱动电路、反馈电路和滤波匹配电路进行合理而有效的设计,保证了换能器的输出效能。同时使用电流控制频率的方法实现谐振频率的自动跟踪。实验证明,该驱动电路输出频率稳定,波形失真度低,且能量转换效率较高。 In order to improve the efficiency and practicality of rare-earth magnetostrictive transducer, using DSP device TMS320F2812 as a master chip to generate SPWM waveform with hybrid pulse width modulation method. Using half-bridge inverter circuit to implement the power amplifier of SPWM waveform, and making a reasonable and effective design about the isolating driver circuit, feedback circuit, filter and matching circuit, which guarantee the transducer output performance. At the same time achieving the automatic tracking of the resonant frequency by using current control frequency method. The experimental results indicate that the drive circuit has the features of output frequency stability, low waveform distortion, and high energy conversion efficiency.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2012年第12期96-98,102,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2009AA11Z203) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(CHD2012JC046) 长安大学基础研究支持计划专项基金资助(CHD2012JC046) 长安大学中央高校基本科研业务费专用资金项目(CHD2011ZY001 CHD2011ZY011)
关键词 超磁致伸缩换能器 逆变电源 SPWM DSP giant magnetostrictive transducer inverter SPWM DSP
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