在广泛分析各类课程表优缺点的基础上,介绍了用Visual FoxPro的滑尺控件类和"waitwindow nowait"语句开发实时课表软件的一些做法。指出该课表软件实现了在线同一界面一次查看当天或更远时间的课表内容,具有很大的实用性。同时,对该课表软件的后续研发提出了建议。
Based on an extensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various types of class schedules, this article introduces some methods of developing real-time class schedule software with Slider Control Class and a "wait window nowait" statement of the Visual FoxPro. This software has great practicability in realizing online checking of the schedule content interface. The authors propose some suggestions for the follow-up schedule software. of the day or even longer on the same research and development of the class
China Medical Education Technology