
论版权制度下孤儿作品的保护 被引量:8

摘要 2004年伊始,Google公司着手建立全球最大的数字图书馆,计划把目前所有已经出版的图书扫描上网向网民开放。然而这一计划从诞生之日起就遭遇了版权壁垒,2011年3月纽约南区法院最终否决了Google公司与美国作家协会、出版商协会达成的1.25亿美元的图书和解协议,其中“孤儿作品”成为关注的焦点。孤儿作品的版权保护问题已经引起美国和欧盟的广泛关注,反观我国,对其认识稍欠不足,然司法实践中,2005年的张鞋妍与李尔葳案②早已初显端倪。
作者 杨佩霞
机构地区 中山大学
出处 《中国版权》 2012年第3期44-47,共4页 China Copyright
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Bernard Lang,"orphan Works And The Google Book Search Settlement. An International Perspective", New York Law School Law Review, Vol. 55, Issue 1 (2010-2011), pp. 116- 117.
  • 3Darrin Keith Henning, "Copyright's Deus Ex Machina. Reverse Registration As Economic Fostering Of Orphan Works", Journal Of The Copyright Society Of The U.S.A., Vol. 55, Issues 2-3 (Winter-Spring 2008), p. 208.
  • 4United State Copyright Office,"Report on Orphan Works", available at http.//www, copyright, gov/orphan/orphan- report, pdf, p. 15.
  • 5Brianna Dahlberg,"The Orphan Works Problem. Preserving Access To The Cultural History Of Disadvantaged Groups", Southern California Review Of Law And Social Justice, Vol. 20, Issue 2 (Spring 2011), p. 276.
  • 6董慧娟.孤儿作品的利用困境与现行规则评析[J].中国出版,2010(18):36-39. 被引量:19
  • 7United State Copyright Office, "Report on Orphan Works", available at http.//www, copyright, gov/orphan/orphan- report, pdf, p. 80.
  • 8Elizabeth hdeney,"The Moral Rights Of Authors And Performers. An International And Comparative Analysis", Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 234.
  • 9Samuel D. Warrea & Louis D. Brandeis,"The Right to Privacy", Harvard Law Review 4(1890), pp. 201-203.
  • 10Brianna Dahlberg,"The Orphan Works Problem. Preserving Access To The Cultural History Of Disadvantaged Groups", Southern California Review Of Law And Social Justice, Vol. 20, Issue 2 (Spring 2011), pp. 288-289.


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  • 2The House Report on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988[EB/OL][2009-05-30].http://ipmall.info/hosted_resources/lipa/copyrights/The%20House %20Report%20on%20the%20Berne%20Convention%20Implemenation%20Act.pdf.
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  • 4Jane C.Ginsburg.Recent Developments in US Copyright Law:Orphan Works[J].Columbia Public Law & Legal Theory Working Papers,2008:08152.
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  • 9美国版权局网站,http://www.copyright.gov/orphan/.
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