Locate both uterus points on ears.Select four
pieces of round permanent magnet(which is 8mm in
diameter and 3mm thick,a alloy with 1000-1500
gause magnetic field intensity.)Two pieces form a
pair,which were stuck to the both sides of uterus
point according to the theory of mutual attraction
between different poles.Keep them for 3-5 minutes,
then you can do artificial abortion.The result of
220 cases(which were about 40-100 days pregnancy)
is 202 cases without abdominal pain and 6 cases with
severe abdominal pain and 12 cases with mild abdo-
minal pain.However,these reaction diddn't influence
the operation.According to observation in operation,
for all cases the vaginal soft tissues were loosened
under anaesthesia,for 159 cases(72.3%),the ori-
ficium uteri were naturally loosened so that 6 or 7
model pipet can pass the orificium uteri easily,and
no occurance of vommiting and nausea.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion