药源性发热(drug-induced hyperthermia)是常见的药源性损害之一,抗菌药物引起药源性发热较常见,故在病情不危急却有发热的情况下,不应盲目大量地使用抗菌药物。否则,可能掩盖病因,加重病情,重者危及生命。
Human life is a form of mutualistic symbiosis between human cells and microorganisms colonizing the skin, the gut and various natural openings. Drug-induced hyperthermia is one of drug-induced impairments. Since hyperthermia induced by antibacterials is more common than most of other drugs, it is advisable that antibacterials must not be administered blindly in patients with fever if not emergency. The unnecessary administration of antibacterials may cover the original cause of the illness, make the condition worse, and induce deadly harms.
Clinical Medication Journal