以萧氏松茎象7个地理种群的基因组DNA为材料,对其进行随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析,从80个引物中筛选出39个稳定性好、多态性高的引物。7个地理种群共扩增出489条扩增条带,每条引物平均可以得到12.5条扩增条带,其长度从250~2 000 bp不等,其中443条(90.6%)扩增条带为多态性条带,平均每条引物可得到11.4条多态性条带。通过公式计算多态性位点、遗传距离、及Nei's遗传距离,结果表明:萧氏松茎7个地理种群之间的遗传距离指数的变异范围为0.403 7~0.484 4,遗传相似性指数为0.515 6~0.596 3,平均遗传距离指数为0.444 1;其Shannon's信息指数为0.588 6~0.625 7,Nei's遗传距离为0.009 0~0.030 2;表明萧氏松茎象种群间存在一定的遗传多样性。通过UPGMA聚类分析,将7个萧氏松茎象地理种群划分为4个聚类簇。分析表明,萧氏松茎象7个地理种群存在丰富的遗传多样性,其遗传分化与地理位置有一定的相关性。
The genetic variation of seven geographic populations ofH. xiaoi were detected by RAPD. A total of 489 bands(from 250 bp to 2 000 bp) were amplified by using 39 primers screened from 80 random primers of whieh 443 bands (90.6%) were polymorphic, thus the average number of polymorphic bands was 11.4 per primer. The data analysis show that the genetic comparability of the seven geographic populations varied from 0.515 6 to 0.596 3 and the range of genetic distance was from 0.403 7 to 0.484 4, with the average 0.444 1. The Shannon's information index was from 0.588 6 to 0.625 7 and the Nei's genetic distance was from 0.009 0 to 0.030 2. The seven geographical populations were classified into four cluster groups by UPGMA method. The studying results revealed that the genetic diversity and homology existed between geographic populations ofH. xiaoi.
Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology