

Economic Analysis on the Operation Mechanism of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
摘要 针对孟加拉格兰明银行向农村地区提供金融服务取得的巨大成功,从经济学角度探寻其成功的主要原因和可为我国农村微型金融发展借鉴的经验。运用经济学分析的方法对其运行机制进行分析后发现:格兰明银行成功的主要原因是其向贫困者发放小额贷款而不需要任何财产抵押的产品设计和激励机制;借鉴其在会员关系、小组连带责任贷款、强制储蓄、非金融产品、组织结构和员工培训等方面的做法,将有助于思考我国农村微型金融的发展。 The main reasons are explored about the success of Grameen Bank in providing financial services in rural areas from the point of economics and some experience is found out for reference to develop rural mierofinance in China. After the analysis of its mechanism by the approach of economic analysis, the main successful reasons are concluded : it is the design of products and incentives that allow Grameen to make small loans to poor people without physical collateral. Referring to its membership, group loan with joint liability, forced savings, non-financial products, structures and staff training, all these will help think of how to develop microfinanee in the rural areas.
作者 张惠茹
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第3期35-38,共4页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 福建省教育厅A类重点项目资助(JA10217S) 闽江学院社会科学规划项目资助(YHZ10003)
关键词 格兰明银行 运行机制 经济学分析 Grameen Bank mechanism of operation economic analysis
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