
政策清理与政策整合:基于网络治理的研究 被引量:7

Policy Clearance and Policy Integration:A Study Based on Network Governance
摘要 缘于环境、法律、本体及其他变化,部分政策的存在已不合时宜,甚至有政策一出台即滞后,政策清理和政策整合的作用日益凸显。而我国当前政策清理工作思路不清晰、脉络不明确、监督机制不到位,政策清理多由政策制定者执行,政策清理不及时和消极被动现象,导致行政人员随惯性执行旧政策,阻滞了政府与社会的信任协调。基于网络治理视野进行政策清理,可推动各级政府信息互动、有效沟通、协商民主、齐头并进,在尊重公共利益和彼此利益基础上整合原有政策的有用部分,保持新政策及时跟进以避免政策空白,实现政策服务公共利益的本原。 Owing to the environmental, legal, subjective and other changes, some existing policies have already become outdated. Worse still, the issuing of certain new policies has also lagged far behind the time. Therefore, we are in urgent need for the proper implication of policy clearance and policy integration. However, the current situation of China's policy clearance remains inadequate in both its working approach, organizational system and its supervision mechanism. Besides, since policy clearance is usually the responsibility of its own policy makers, it is often conducted untimely and passively. Given this, government administrators will continue to execute the outdated policies, which may greatly jeopardize the mutual trust and harmony between the government and society. In order to solve the problem, the current approach for policy clearance from the perspective of network governance is promoted. On the one hand, it enhances the information sharing and effective negotiation among governments at different levels; on the other hand, it advocates democracy and corporation between the government and society. Based on the respect for public interest and mutual benefits, the useful part of the outdated policies can be promptly integrated into the new policies to avoid vacancy, so that the ultimate goal for government policies to serve the public interest can be eventually realized.
作者 蔡英辉
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第3期45-50,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 福建省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心年度重点项目资助(2011B006)
关键词 政策清理 政策整合 网络治理 政策终止 政策网络 Policy clearance policy integration network governance policy termination policy network
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