
多主体参与的服务创新研究综述 被引量:5

Literature Review in Service Innovation with Multi-participators
摘要 随着现代服务业的快速发展,服务创新越发呈现"复杂化"的发展趋势,其中一个重要特征体现为服务创新主体由单一向多元化发展。越来越多的企业员工和管理者、顾客、供应商等来自不同背景的参与者参与到创新活动中,这种多主体参与的服务创新模式与传统创新模式有很大不同,它包含了更多的参与主体和更复杂的互动关系。本文从员工和管理者参与、顾客参与、供应商及其他主体参与三个层面对现有研究文献进行了评述,指出目前研究虽然对多种参与主体均有关注,但是更多的研究仍主要集中在顾客参与上。同时,研究对象仍主要是某一特定类型参与者,而较少考虑在一个多主体参与的创新情景下的研究。最后,本文从研究视角、研究范畴和研究方法等方面提出该领域进一步深入研究的思考和建议。 With the development of modem service industry, service innovation is becoming more complex. An important appeara- nce is innovation participator changes from single to multiple. More and more participators, like company employee and manager, customer, supplier and so on, who come from different background, take part in the innovation. This service innovation with multi- participators is very different from the traditional innovation model since it includes more participators and more complicated relationships. This paper reviews the current literatures from three parts, participator of employee and manager, of customer, of supplier and so on, points out though the present researches have involved multi-participators, the focus is concentrated more on the customer's participation. At the same time, one certain kind of participator is more concerned than the context included a whole multi- participator. Finally, suggestions for a deeper research in this field are proposed from research angle, category and methodology.
作者 韦铁 鲁若愚
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第7期41-44,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70772068)
关键词 服务创新 多主体参与 管理策略 经济结构 Service innovation Multi-participators Management strategy Economic structure
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