本研究以黄河湿地郑州段为研究区,利用RS与GIS技术,基于2009年5月7日获得的CBERS 2B卫星CCD多光谱遥感影像和地面实测植被生物量信息,采用回归算法构建反演模型,经对比分析得到最优计算模型。结果表明,反演模型计算精度达到86.32%,利用CBERS 2B卫星CCD多光谱遥感影像可满足植被生物量的反演需要。
The paper studies the vegetation biomass of the Yellow River wetland in Zhengzhou by using RS and GIS technology based on the CCD spectrum remote sensing image of CBERS 2B satellite acquired on May 7,2009.The field measurement data of the vegetation biomass helps build the inversion model by multi-linear regression method and obtain the optimal calculation model by comparing and analysis.The results show that the inversion model calculation accuracy reaches 86.32%,and it is proved that use of the CCD spectrum remote sensing image of CBERS 2 B satellite can meet the need of the vegetation biomass inversion.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology