
金融发展与中国出口贸易技术复杂度提升 被引量:10

The Subject of Research,Methodology and Research Paradigm of 'Das Kapital'
摘要 一国金融发展程度会影响该国出口商品的技术结构。金融发展水平越高,企业创新动力越大,其出口商品的技术含量就越高。因此,促进金融发展,将有助于一国总体出口贸易技术复杂度的提升。当前,虽然我国出口贸易的规模在全球范围内处于领先水平,但出口贸易的技术复杂度仍然偏低,因此,提高我国金融发展效率和完善金融体系,对我国的出口贸易技术复杂度的提升将有着重要的现实意义。 Marx pinpointed in the preface of volume I of 'Das Kapital' : 'What I research in this book is the mode of capitalist production and its associated production relation and exchange relation.' This is a classical expression of the research subject of 'Das Kapital'.In 'Das Kapital', Marx applied historical materialism to the study of capitalist economic form,found the pattern of its movement.That is to say the research methodology of 'Das Kapital' is historical materialism. The specific norms of economic analysis by 'Das Kapital' is as the following:(1) explain social, economic institutional transition by the contradictory movement between productive force and production relation;(2) identify the nature of social,economic systems by ownership of means of production;(3) analyze human behavior with constraints of historically formed integrated social, economic structure;(4) use economic relation to interpret political system,legal system and moral norms.
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期87-92,共6页 Contemporary Economic Research
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(10FJL006) 教育部文科重点研究基地重大研究项目(2009JJD790025) 天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目(11ZLZLZF02400)
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