
NSAIDs相关性消化性溃疡出血与非NSAIDs消化性溃疡出血的临床对照研究 被引量:17

A case-control study on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs)induced and NSAIDs unrelated peptic ulcer with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
摘要 目的探讨非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)相关性溃疡出血与非NSAIDs消化性溃疡出血的差异。方法通过临床对照研究,比较46例NSAIDs相关性溃疡出血与88例非NSAIDs消化性溃疡出血的临床资料。结果 NSAIDs组年龄显著高于非NSAIDs组,女性患者比率高于非NSAIDs组;NSAIDs组具有心脑血管和/或风湿免疫性疾病的患者多于非NSAIDs组,而既往具有消化性溃疡病史的患者低于非NSAIDs组;NSAIDs组上腹痛症状显著低于非NSAIDs组;NSAIDs组发病时血糖高于非NSAIDs组;NSAIDs组胃溃疡比率显著高于非NSAIDs组。以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 NSAIDs相关性溃疡出血发病年龄、性别、临床表现及溃疡的发生部位与非NSAIDs溃疡患者均有差异,熟悉NSAIDs相关性溃疡出血的特点有利于临床诊治。 Objective To explore the difference in clinical characteristics between non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) induced and NSAIDs unrelated peptic ulcer with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods The case - control study was used to analyze the clini- cal data of forty - six patients with NSAIDs induced and eighty - eight patients with NSAIDs unrelated peptic ulcer with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Results The age range of patients in NSAIDs induced group was older than that of NSAIDs unrelated group. Female patients in NSAIDs induced group were more than those in NSAIDs unrelated group. More patients in NSAIDs induced group had the history of cardio - cerebral - vascular diseases or rheumatic diseases, fewer patients in NSAIDs induced group had the history of peptic ulcer and epigastric pain. The level of blood sugar in NSAIDs induced group was higher than that of NSAIDs unrelated group. The number of patients with gastric ulcer in NSAIDs induced group was more than that of NSAIDs unrelated group. Their difference was significant ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion There was significant difference between NSAIDs induced group and NSAIDs unrelated group with upper gastrointestinal bleeding in age, gender, previous history of peptic ulcer or cardio - cerebral - vascular disease or rheumatic disease, clinical symptoms and types of ulcer. The clinical characteristics of NSAIDs induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding should be better understood in order to get earlier diagnosis and treatment.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2012年第11期828-829,共2页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 消化性溃疡 非甾体抗炎药 上消化道出血 Peptic ulcer Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
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