目的了解医院感染病例中真菌感染情况,分析感染的危险因素,为合理制定医院感染控制措施提供依据。方法对某院2007~2011年219例医院感染病例中真菌感染患者进行回顾性调查分析。结果 5年中医院感染病例中真菌感染率为0.13%~0.17%;>60岁患者占76.26%;血液内科患者占24.66%;白色假丝酵母菌占69.86%;感染部位以下呼吸道为主,占60.27%;真菌感染前使用两种及以上抗菌药物占73.97%;接受侵入性治疗占51.14%。结论加强患者呼吸系统监测,做好消毒隔离工作,严格无菌操作,对于高龄、接受侵入性治疗的患者加强病原菌监测,规范抗菌药物的使用,有助于控制医院真菌感染。
Objective To survey the situation of nosocomial fungal infection, and to analyze its risk factors and to provide a reasonable basis for controlling nosocomial infection. Methods A retrospective study was carried out on nosocomial fungal infections in 219 cases with nosocomial infection in a hospital during 2007 to 2011. Results The rate of nosocomial fungal infection varied in the range of 0.13% to 0. 17%. The age of patients above 60 yr accounted for 76.26%, and patients from the Department of Hematology accounted for 24.66%. The rate of infection with Candida albicans was 69.86%, and the rate of infection in lower respiratory tract, the main infection site, was 60.27%. 73.97% of patients received treatment with two or more kinds of antibacterial drugs before fungal infection, and 51.14% of patients received invasive treatment. Conclusion In order to control nosocomial fungal infection, the respiratory monitoring system must be enhanced, and aseptic manipulation should be strictly performed in order to make sure the quality of disinfection and isolation work, and the detection of pathogenic bacteria among aged or patients received invasive treatment should be strengthened, and antibacterial drugs must be regularly used.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Nosocomial infection
Fungal infection
Risk factor