

Two Sceneries of the Loire River:the Natural Beauty and Cultural Beauty in the Chteau of Chenonceau and the Chteau of Villandry
摘要 卢瓦尔河谷城堡建筑群是法国最大面积的世界文化遗产,因拥有"人类和自然环境相互交融而形成的土地"而誉满天下。在其中的舍农索城堡和维朗德里城堡几百年来的历史中,敬畏自然、珍惜自然、融入自然的观念和态度自始至终贯穿其间。以上述两座城堡为典型,透过"翻修"和"重建"的两种不同方式,绎出几个世纪以来自然美和人文美和谐统一、相映生辉的流变历程,可以加深对人类社会与自然之间各种交互关系的认识厚度,也有助于学习借鉴包括"历史之宅"协会在内的有益经验,提高对历史建筑保护的参与意识。 The Chteaux of the Loire Valley is a world’s cultural heritage with the largest area in France.Known as ‘ cultivated lands formed by interaction between their population and the physical environment in many cen turies’,its fame spreads all over the world.The concept and attitude of respecting,cherishing,and merging into the nature were implemented throughout the hundred years’ history of the Chteau of Chenonceau and the Chteau of Villandry.By ‘renovation’ and ‘reconstruction’,the two Chteaux explains how the combination of natural beauty and cultural beauty deepens on the understanding of the relationship between human society and the nature.It also helps study the valuable experience which includes the Association of Demeure Historique,and to improve the consciousness of participating historical architecture ’s preservation.
作者 江天岳
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期98-104,160,共7页 Academic Research
基金 "中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"项目(2009AC-1)的成果
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  • 9法国卢瓦尔河谷群官方网站:http://loire-chateaux.org/.
  • 10舍农索城堡官方网站:http://www.chenonceau.com/.









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