Research progress on endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response pathway
目前,内质网应激(Endoplasmic reticulumstress,ERS)及未折叠蛋白反应(Unfolded protein response,UPR)通路是毒理学研究中的热点。当毒物进入机体后,将影响内质网等细胞器的结构和功能,从而干扰和破坏机体的内稳态,引起暂时性或持久性的病理反应,甚至危及生命。
China Occupational Medicine
1FONSECA S G, URANO F, BURCIN M, et al. Stress hypERactivation in the β-cell[J]. Islets, 2010, 2( 1 ): 1-9.
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7OIKAWA D, KIMATA Y, KOHNO K. Self-association and BiP dissociation are not sufficient for activation of the ER stress sensor Irel [J]. J Cell Sci, 2007, 120(Pt 9): 1681-1688.
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9GREDLE J J, FINER-MOORE J S, PAPA F R, et al. On the mechanism of sensing unfolded protein in the endoplasmic retleulum [ J ]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2005, 102(52) : 18773-18784.
10SHEN J, SNAPP E L, LIPPINCOTF-SCHWARTZ J, et al. Stable binding of ATFO to BiP in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response [J]. Mol Cell Biol, 2005, 25(3) : 921-932.
1叶社房,侯振清,钟李明,张其清.姜黄素对Ⅱ相酶GST及NQO酶活性的诱导及其机制(英文)[J].药学学报,2007,42(4):376-380. 被引量:16
2ZHANG D D. Mechanistic studies of the Nrf2-Keapl signaling pathway [J]. Drug Metab Rev,2006,38(4) :769 -789.
3JAIN A K, BLOOM D A, JAISWAL A K. Nuclear import and export signals in control of Nrf2- J-. J Biol Chem,2005,280(32 ) :29158 - 29168.
4NIOI P, NGUYEN T, SHERRATr P J, et al. The earboxy-terminal Neh3 domain of Nrf2 is required for transcriptional activation[ J]. Mol Cell Biol,2005,25(24) :10895 - 10906.
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6RANDLE L E,GOLDRING C E,BENSON C A,et al. Investigation of the effect of a panel of model hepatotoxins on the Nrf2-Keapl defence response pathway in CD-I mice [ J ]. Toxicology, 2008,243 (3) : 249 - 260.
7NIOI P,MCMAHOS M,ITOH K,et al. Identification of a novel Nrf2- regulated antioxidant response element (ARE) in the mouse NAD (P) H :quinone oxidoreductase 1 gene: reassessment of the ARE consensus sequence[ J]. Bioehem J ,2003,374( Pt 2 ) :337 -348.
8NIOI P,HAYES J D. Contribution of NAD(P) H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 to protection against carcinogenesis, and regulation of its gene by the Nrf2 basic-region leucine zipper and the arylhydrocaxbon receptor basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors[J]. Mutat Res, 2004,555 (1/2) :149 - 171.
9FURUKAWA M, XIONG Y. BTB protein keapl targets antioxidant transcription factor Nrf2 for ubiquitination by the Cullin 3-Rocl ligase [ J]. Mol Cell Biol,2005,25 ( 1 ) : 162 - 171.
10TONG K I, KATOH Y, KUSUNOKI H, et al. Keapl recruits Neh2 through binding to ETGE and DLG motifs : characterization of the two- site molecular recognition model [ J ]. Viol Cell Biol, 2006,26 ( 8 ) : 2887 - 2900.
1钟苑芳,钟炜轲,陈秉,贺凌飞,戴文涛,王军义,余日安.氟对大鼠成骨细胞氧化应激和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷生成影响[J].中国职业医学,2011,38(2):109-112. 被引量:17
2钟炜轲,贺凌飞,余日安.氟斑牙形成的分子机制研究进展[J].广州医学院学报,2011,39(1):97-101. 被引量:8
3贺凌飞,周小燕,陈慧芝,韩海燕,陈秉,余日安.枸杞多糖和原花青素对小鼠成釉细胞DNA损伤作用的研究[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2013,29(12):707-709. 被引量:1
4王燕,余君,黄绍鑫,陈莉,汪春红.铅暴露TM4细胞中Nrf2对Mrp1表达的调节作用[J].环境与健康杂志,2014,31(2):114-117. 被引量:1
5贺凌飞,谢谦,周小燕,康成容,王玉栋,邹志辉,余日安.过量氟对大鼠切牙细胞凋亡及Fas表达影响的研究[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2016,32(1):30-32. 被引量:1
6吴礼康,陈嘉兴,田亚锋,鲜敏,邹志辉,陈智健,余日安.DNA单链断裂与8-羟基脱氧鸟苷生成在镉所致人胚肾上皮细胞毒性作用分析[J].中国职业医学,2016,43(4):424-428. 被引量:2
7陈嘉兴,陈智健,吴礼康,田亚锋,鲜敏,邹志辉,余日安.Nrf2信号因子在镉所致HEK细胞氧化损伤中的作用[J].华中科技大学学报(医学版),2017,46(2):145-149. 被引量:10
8陈嘉兴,吴礼康,田亚锋,鲜敏,余日安.转录因子NF-E2相关因子2信号通路在金属污染物毒理学作用中的机制及其研究进展[J].环境与健康杂志,2017,34(5):466-470. 被引量:1
9贺凌飞,钟炜轲,陈智健,谢谦,康成容,周小燕,王玉栋,余日安.氟对小鼠成釉细胞DNA损伤、细胞凋亡和增殖周期的影响[J].毒理学杂志,2018,32(2):126-130. 被引量:4
10陈嘉兴,陈智健,吴礼康,田亚锋,鲜敏,邹志辉,余日安.镉对职业接触者肾功能、氧化应激与Nrf2转录因子表达水平的影响[J].华中科技大学学报(医学版),2018,47(6):679-683. 被引量:6
1尹恝,潘速跃,周亮,吕田明,罗一峰,陆兵勋.海洛因海绵状白质脑病病理分析[J].南方医科大学学报,2007,27(6):881-883. 被引量:7
2Donghong Zhang,Yequn Chen,Xina Xie,Jianlan Liu,Qingjie Wang,Wei Kong,Yi Zhu.Homocysteine activates vascular smooth muscle cells by DNA demethylation of platelet-derived growth factor in endothelial cells[J]. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology . 2012 (4)
3Siyu Chen,Yan Ding,Weiwei Tao,Wenxiang Zhang,Tingming Liang,Chang Liu.Naringenin inhibits TNF-α induced VSMC proliferation and migration via induction of HO-1[J]. Food and Chemical Toxicology . 2012 (9)
4Aikaterini Tsaousi,Helen Williams,Cressida A. Lyon,Victoria Taylor,Amanda Swain,Jason L. Johnson,Sarah J. George.Wnt4/β-Catenin Signaling Induces VSMC Proliferation and Is Associated With Intimal Thickening[J]. Circulation Research . 2011 (4)
5XiaoHua Liu,Jing Shen,Rui Zhan,XingXing Wang,XiaoMing Wang,ZhiQing Zhang,Xue Leng,ZhiHua Yang,LingJia Qian.Proteomic analysis of homocysteine induced proliferation of cultured neonatal rat vascular smooth muscle cells[J]. BBA - Proteins and Proteomics . 2008 (2)
6Chakrabarti, Anirikh,Chen, Aaron W.,Varner, Jeffrey D.A review of the mammalian unfolded protein response. Biotechnology and Bioengineering . 2011
7Perez Jessica,Torres Rebecca A,Rocic Petra,Cismowski Mary J,Weber David S,Darley-Usmar Victor M,Lucchesi Pamela A.PYK2 signaling is required for PDGF-dependent vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology . 2011
8涂露霞,方唯意,刘真,李欣,何英,谢思明,姚开泰.慢病毒介导的siRNA靶向干扰EIF4G1鼻咽癌稳定细胞株的建立[J].南方医科大学学报,2009,29(5):844-847. 被引量:8
9张叶,蒋旭超,钱海,马静,陆荣柱.内质网应激与金属毒作用机制关系的研究进展[J].环境与健康杂志,2010,27(10):922-925. 被引量:5
10杨征,邱敏.丹参酮ⅡA的心血管作用及机制研究进展[J].中国动脉硬化杂志,2011,19(4):372-374. 被引量:36
1韩亚凤,孙海霞,王忠艳,范丽英,苗益辉,郭骏,陈适,陈刚,姚三巧,袁聚祥.内质网应激及自噬相关蛋白在矽肺患者肺泡巨噬细胞中表达研究[J].中国职业医学,2015,42(1):23-28. 被引量:12
2张玉静,钟才高.钙离子依赖的内质网应激在细胞凋亡中作用研究进展[J].中国职业医学,2017,44(3):365-370. 被引量:10
3王宁,杨春菊,何丽囡,樊保敏,曾广智,尹俊林.CHAC1基因沉默SU-DHL-8细胞株的构建及其对青蒿素细胞毒活性的影响[J].云南民族大学学报(自然科学版),2019,28(4):313-319. 被引量:1
4陈芳,王丽,沈晓君,王保奇.丹参酮ⅡA对大鼠血管平滑肌细胞BIP和CHOP表达的影响[J].中国老年学杂志,2015,35(8):2175-2177. 被引量:13
1何艳玲,姚三巧,张林,李清钊,孙海霞,张志宇,白玉萍,刘国荣,郝小惠.肌醇需求激酶1抑制剂对染矽尘大鼠肺纤维化干预作用研究[J].中国职业医学,2015,42(2):147-152. 被引量:2
2孙海霞,姚三巧,韩亚凤,何艳玲,陈刚,朱丽,金玉兰,白玉萍,郝小惠,刘和亮.内质网应激凋亡相关基因mRNA在矽肺患者肺泡巨噬细胞表达研究[J].中国职业医学,2015,42(3):274-279. 被引量:9
3曹珊,陈芳,刘紫阳,冯龙,孙洁,沈晓君.丹参通脉方激活内质网应激途径对人主动脉血管平滑肌细胞凋亡的影响[J].中华中医药杂志,2017,32(6):2662-2664. 被引量:7
4李冬玉,王保奇,轩静静.丹蒌片对急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者PCI术后炎症反应的临床疗效观察[J].世界复合医学,2016,2(3):60-63. 被引量:7
5李筱筱,武雪玲,贾世亮,戴雪伶,孙雅煊.丹参酮ⅡA药理作用的研究进展[J].生物学杂志,2016,33(6):91-94. 被引量:38
6余艳琴,郝金奇,姚三巧,张春民,陈志远,白玉萍,陈刚,张志浩,徐应军,袁扬,沈福海,马国宣,黄京慧,车审言,范雪云,袁聚祥.TNF-α/TNFR/NF-κB通路对煤工尘肺患者肺泡巨噬细胞凋亡调控机制[J].中国职业医学,2017,44(3):303-308. 被引量:7
7张玉静,钟才高.钙离子依赖的内质网应激在细胞凋亡中作用研究进展[J].中国职业医学,2017,44(3):365-370. 被引量:10
8曹慧敏,吴瑾,贾连群,杨关林.丹参酮ⅡA对心血管系统药理作用的研究进展[J].世界中医药,2017,12(7):1718-1722. 被引量:55
9王娜,杨萌,雷素英,千新来,姚三巧.多聚鸟苷酸干预大鼠矽肺纤维化的内质网应激作用机制[J].中国职业医学,2017,44(4):399-407. 被引量:7
10贺今,刘光峰,崔萍.尘肺生物样本库蛋白组学的应用展望[J].中国工业医学杂志,2017,30(6):434-436. 被引量:6
1郭有,高艳芳,胡恭华.内质网应激与肝脏脂质代谢关系的研究进展[J].毒理学杂志,2015,29(3):231-234. 被引量:3
4王爱荣,郑敏.儿保门诊680例儿童六种微量元素检测结果分析[J].哈尔滨医药,2008,28(2):23-23. 被引量:3
6张亚楼,孙小娜,冯树梅,李甜,廖礼彬,白生宾,钟近洁.过量氟引起成骨细胞内质网应激信号通路的基因差异表达[J].重庆医学,2014,43(33):4425-4427. 被引量:8
7郑少雄.糖尿病研究2007年回眸:流行病学和发病机制[J].国际内分泌代谢杂志,2008,28(1):1-7. 被引量:13
8孙书静.要健康 吃点糠[J].东方食疗与保健,2013(7):10-10.
10臧韵,张学武.内质网应激介导肿瘤细胞凋亡的研究进展[J].时珍国医国药,2014,25(8):1933-1934. 被引量:2